

What types of Summit tickets are available for purchase? 

You can purchase either a sketch walk pass ($25) or a workshop pass ($55).

Can I purchase a combination workshop/sketch walk pass? 

Due to limited volunteer resources, combination workshop/sketch walk passes are not available.

What types of activities and events will the Summit have? 

A full schedule is posted here. You can also find workshop information on the “Workshop Descriptions and Supplies Lists” page and sketch walk details on the "Sketch Walk Descriptions" page.

Where can I find art supplies information? 

Workshop instructors' recommended art supplies are on the “Workshop Descriptions and Supplies Lists” page, including a link to a downloadable supplies list PDF.

Where can I find information about the boxed lunch options?

Details about boxed lunches can be found on the "Lunch Information" page.

What is the Summit refund policy? 

Refunds are available for all workshop and sketch walk pass types (minus Eventbrite’s fees) through Saturday, July 20, 2024. No refunds will be offered after this date due to the need to finalize supplies and programming. Please email your refund request to Ohio Regional Urban Sketchers via email (ohiousksummit@gmail.com) or via "Contact Organizer" in Eventbrite.

I have a question that is not addressed in the FAQs. How can I contact Ohio Regional Urban Sketchers?

You can contact us via email (ohiousksummit@gmail.com), Instagram (instagram.com/ohiousksummit/), or Facebook (facebook.com/groups/ohiousksummit/).